Alien Shawl
The New Oblivion
Two Poems
Who Never Combs the Moonlight
Notebook C: On the Discomfort of Being in Time
jubilat Interview
Jaunt to Vermilion
Two Poems
Two Poems
Four Conceptual Approaches
Our Heroes Are Not Impressed with Your Table
Three Poems
Two Poems
Two Poems
Two Poems
Four Horoscopes
Sugarbottom Song
The Lingering Sense of Edal
Two Poems
Two Poems
In the Book of Nothing
Two Poems
[Shiver; Shiva; Shiv]
The Ashbery Bridge: Poetry and Public Space
Photographs by Kelly Everding
Two Poems
Two Prose Pieces
Translated by Christian Hawkey & Uljana Wolf
from Apnea
Two Poems
O Canada