
I will die small

A tourist in my own life

Face-planted in mini-river


I will die in 6 inches of chlorine

At the crest of a water slide spitting

Me into the words


Of a foreign anthem

In the bed of a mini-gondola

A middle-aged man serenading me in period dress


So beautifully I drift

Into words on a mini-grave

I will die a photograph


An immutable figurine

In this lousy t-shirt

I will die a t-shirt


Like so many t-shirts before me

In the shadow of mini-Mount Vesuvius

I will die small


To a laugh track

In this brand new flag

That's two sizes too big


Return me to the closest department store and bury me

Where the women's section meets the men's

I will dye a t-shirt


To look like the withering 

surface of the Acropolis and fire

That t-shirt


From a t-shirt gun

So beautifully across mini-blue sky

Into mini-grandstands


Where a man spills

A foreign beer

Onto his neighboring nation


In order to catch the flying t-shirt and give it to a little boy

Who smiles like a mini-flag

And assures everyone "The Euro is strong"


Thanks to the tourists

Circling Mini-Big Ben

Ala National Lampoon's European Vacation


I will die in period dress

Tradition scrolling

So beautifully down my face


I will die a little boy

At the river's edge

Under a wave of of pre-recorded laughter


Dying for a photograph

My arm around the sky

The mini-grandstands do The Wave


Every figurine smiles in matching anthems

Spilling foreign wars

Onto the backs of the rows in front