Light flashed like a dolphin
Half-seen in water
Glittering green jungle
Broad blades we assume
Behind darkness
Toss onto the waves
Assorted jams and marmalade
Soft breads
Rippling outward from the trance
Salted joints of meat
The heat returns
Smoke from a cigarette
With a flick of the wrist
Tossed overboard
In the cottony gurgle of the breeze
A metallic ping like a Pepsi can
Thundered slowly behind the clouds
Uniform and high grass
Catching some resisting heel
Or camera-work crouched there
Breath and moonlight blue
Battery mist below
Us banana trees fading
Into dark green swirls blond
Dust dull
Quartering of propellers quarrying
A last reticle amid the holographic
Fronds scanning
For sparks in the reliquary
Secretions of the maggot
Shift and shimmer
In the distance
Trees sway
Like luggage leaning
Into the platform