Farm 2

The contract began somewhat sporadically
Involving the land animals' removal of their others
While keeping a few agents at hand
To bridge one thing from another.
Our status felt unnatural.
We drew a force from the property
Of course, but that didn't mean anything
When it came to be about an emotional attachment
To the physical partition that exists
Uninjured by sight and our sudden escape plans.

So we left the city for once
In a steadfast manner with the new girl
Who established that white fences exist 
And that the comings and goings could
Do just that. Poppies and irises
Negate them. The purple of the ages
Calls for you, wretchedly. Few enough
Get by, but this was their season
With you amongst them. There was one 
Who hadn't been excused to be there.

To read more by Paul Legault, please click here to purchase jubilat 21.